
Chapter-1:Introduction to Computer Network

1.1 Computer Network
1.2 Address in Computer Network
1.3 Network Devices
1.4 Communication Protocol
1.5 Basic Networking Commands

Chapter 2: HTML and CSS3
Part-1 (Introduction)
Part-II (List, Tables And Images)
Part-III (Link, Frames And Forms)

Chapter-3 Database Part-II MySQL

3.1 MySQL & Its Importance
3.2 Starting MySQL
3.3 MySQL Data Types
3.4 Changing the Structure of A Table
3.5 Select Statement
3.6 Working with Operators
3.7 Strong Data in A Table
3.8 Select Statement

Chapter-4 Introduction to Loops

4.1 Importance of Loop in Programming Language
4.2 Types of Loops in C
4.3 Some More Examples Using Loop

Chapter-5 Nested loops in C

5.1 Introduction to Nested Loop
5.2 Problem Solving Using Nested Loop

Chapter 6:Arrays in C

6.1 Motivation
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Array Declaration in C
6.4 Accessing Array Elements in C Using Array
6.5 Solving Problems
6.6 Array as String
6.7 Demerits of Arrays

Chapter 7:Functions in C

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Components of Function
7.3 Types of Function
7.4 Solving Problems Using Function
7.5 Recursive Function

Chapter 8:Pointers in C

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Using Pointer with a Variable
8.3 Using Pointer with Different Types of Data
8.4 Array and Pointer

Chapter 9: Structure in C (Not included in the course)

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Defining a Structure
9.3 Accessing Members of a Structure
9.4 Accessing Structure Members with Pointers
9.5 Problem Solving Using Structures
9.6 Dynamic Memory Allocation for Structures

Chapter-10:An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

10.1 Programming Paradigm
10.2 Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)
10.3 Characteristics of Procedure Oriented Programming
10.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedure.
10.5 Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
10.6 Characteristics of OOP
10.7 Building Blocks of OOP
10.8 Features of OOP
10.9 Advantages of OOP
10.10 Disadvantages of OOP
10.11 Difference Between Procedural Programming.


Case Studies(Not included in the course)

Computer Science Class 10 SEBA HSLC